Tuesday, July 16, 2013


It seems as though, like many things, reading has taken a bit of a backseat to all the other stuff going on. In the throes of an attempt to minimize the clutter in the house and at the same time strapped with overtime at work that is at once both very welcome and nearly as much dreaded, I've barely been able to pick up a book, much less actually read the damn thing. Usually, my saving grace is work, where I can read on breaks, but the last few weeks have found me trying to get caught up on some of the other writing I've been working on. Go figure, right?

So, last night, the little wife says to me, "honey, you haven't posted your book challenge blog in a while," and she then proceeds to look up at me with those big, adorable, "i'm gonna whup your ass if you don't do what I tell you to" eyes, and what do I say? Duh. I'm not THAT dumb. 

Needless to say, the conversation turned quickly from fun-loving to a whole lot of work really quick, and here I am, but it's not a Pulitzer book on my mind tonight. On our last trip back home, someone (not me) had the brilliant idea to listen to "candyfreak" by Steve Almond. Needless to say, we spent pretty much the whole trip listening to the author talk about candy, and candy bars, and a few of his personal reminiscences, and pretty much fiending for sweets. Thanks, babe. I could hardly pass a gas station without wondering if they had the chocolate I was so desperately wanting right then, but not NEEDING, of course, since her other, latest request was for me to lose some weight. (15 lbs and counting Ahthankyou!)

Well, when we got back home, we made a short trip to a local candy store (one of a dying breed, to the lament of the author) and bought some of the brands he had mentioned. Some weren't all that great, but do yourself a favor and look for the valomilk cups. They're great! I included the link here to the company website so you can check them out. 

It was a good book for the trip, fun to listen to, kept us awake most of the time, but at a few places, it did bog down and get a little gooey. It does present an interesting picture of the candy industry, though, and how cutthroat it can be. I'd say it's worth the read.