Sunday, February 3, 2013

We Need to Talk About Kevin

So the other day I told you about the book Defending Jacob.  It reminds me of a book I picked up at the Borders clearance sale We Need to Talk About Kevin.

This is one of those books that will always haunt me.   We Need to Talk About Kevin is a story from a mother's perspective about her son Kevin.  Eva feels that from an early age Kevin is different, conniving, and manipulative.  The story has a sinister edge to it, as you wait for the other shoe to drop, to find out what makes Kevin tick, what causes him to do the unimaginable at his high school.  Kevin is a fantastically intelligent boy who plotted for months how to carry out his heinous crime. His punishment? (That he planned as well, by the way,) Nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

With all of the school violence going on right now, this book really gets me thinking, not only as a teacher, but as a parent as well.  Where is the line in the sand going to be?   Who is really to blame for children murdering children?  Is it the parents who suspect that their child may be violent who do nothing, or is it actually the child who was born this way as Eva feels Kevin was?  Most likely a combination of both.  What will the answer be?  Armed security guards at each door?  Thats a lot of manpower for a maybe.  Arming the teachers?  Really?  Putting the gun right in the classroom so that the child doesn't have to bring it?  I don't think so.

By the way, even with all of the books I am reading not included on my list, I'm still winning.  He has only read 38% of his list, whereas I have read 48% of mine!  Who is getting spanked now?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I finished reading Defending Jacob the other day. I didn't see that ending coming!
